Roses in October


Roses in October
by Rose Owens

Copyright 2010

Roses, I see roses
Red, yellow, pink,
Old fashioned roses,
Full bloom roses,
Roses blooming,
Summer’s glory.

Childhood memories ‘neath Utah skies
Whisper in my mind. 
Rose petals scattered
Before a dress-up bride,
Carefully cradling a rose bouquet.
Stems wrapped in toilet paper,
Defense against the thorns.
Petals spread like frosting
Adorning mud-pie cakes,
Imaginary food for imaginary friends. 

I see roses ‘neath my California sky.
Red, yellow, pink,
Giant roses.
Autumn’s leaves,
red upon the trees.
Yellow leaves scattered upon the ground.
Yellow, orange,  burgundy
Shelter  ‘neath the roses. 

October memories whisper,
“Roses fade and die long before October.”
Leaving tark, bare branches behind,
Dead  blossom centers remain
Where once petals gathered round. 
Brittle branches armed with thorns,
Dry stems with knobby ends,
Fallen petals, brown upon the ground,
Waiting for the snow.
Autum leaves,
Red, yellow, brown,
Leaves pile above the roots,
Dry leaves piled ‘round about the roots,
Defending rose roots against the frost.

California sky above me.
Roses line my path.
Pumpkins parked on porches
Waiting for the carver’s knife.
Summer’s glory,
Autumn’s bounty,
Blending with the weather,
Harmonizing here together,
Never heeding
The cold dictates of the season.

Black cats, witches, goblins,
Gather near my path.
Fabric ghosts fluttering in the breeze.
Rose fragrance drifting in the air.  

Roses in October.

  • – – – – – – – – – – – 

I have lived in California for over 50 years. Sometimes I take seeing roses year-round for granted. 

And sometimes I remember and marvel that I can see roses in October.  

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