Squirrel Mentality

The little squirrel was sitting in the middle of the road. I saw him when I stopped at the red light. His head rotated back and forth.  Which way to go? Should he dash in front of my vehicle? Should he return to the sidewalk? How had he gotten himself into this perilous situation? What to do?

I watched him consider his options, and then he made a mad dash behind my vehicle and onto the sidewalk just before the light turned green. As I drove on, I wondered about him.  Would he have been wiser to think things through before he became stranded in the middle of a busy street? Was this his first time crossing Fourth Street near the light? Or was he an experienced squirrel who had made this journey multiple times before? Whatever. This time he had made a correct decision. This time he was safe. 

I sometimes wonder if I share that squirrel mentality.  My stress is not a life-or-death situation, but it is real. Sometimes I try to function in the middle of stress. How did I get myself into this situation? Should I have thought things through before saying yes?  How can I juggle my time and my commitments to arrive at a satisfactory solution? Can I possibly go back? What is the best way forward?  Sometimes I just need to pause, to focus on one thing at a time and then take action. Which will eventually bring me to that satisfactory solution

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