
I am glad that I participated in the A to Z Blogging Challenge this year.  I appreciate Stuart Nager who told me about the challenge and encouraged me as I began.  Although I do not know them personally, I appreciate all of the people who worked so hard to make this a success for me and everyone else.  And thanks to those individuals who read my blog and commented on my posts.

Because I was building a website and blogging, I didn’t have enough time to visit other people’s blogs.  But there is still time.

I had about two weeks to get my website up and going before the first of April. When April 1 arrived, I had my blog page established, but the rest of my website wasn’t finished.  (It still isn’t because I have spent a lot of time blogging.) I decided it was all right if I looked like an amateur because I am an amateur.  So, I plunged in and enjoyed the experience. 

I chose Making a Difference through Storytelling and Writing as my theme  After about three days of blogging, I realized that I had established a pattern: tell a story and then talk about what the story means to me.  It was a very appropriate pattern for a storyteller, and so I continued using it. I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time. Participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge has helped me not only to get started, but to know more about what I want to accomplish with my blog. I wrote my blog posts two to three days ahead of time so that I had time to refine and edit before I published them.  Although I won’t be posting every day, I intend to continue blogging on a regular basis.  I have more blog ideas than I was able to use during April.  I will be more prepared next year. 

1 thought on “Reflection”

  1. Hi Rose
    You know I think you are an excellent storyteller, and I am super happy you took the challenge.
    I haven’t read every piece but I will this month. As you related on top, blog hopping was a bit difficult this year. It almost always is (for me, at least).
    Glad you started. Can’t wait to see where this all progresses.

    My Reflections post:

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