My Hollyhock Still Reaches Up

The hollyhock in my front flower bed is on its way up again. I look at it and estimate that it is maybe seven or eight feet tall right now—not quite the over ten feet tall that astounded me last summer. Last year the stalk went straight up. This year it leans slightly, but is still reaching up.  I can see the dry stalk which is all that remains of last year’s performance.  Last fall, when the flowers and leaves were withered and brown, I cut the branches off. The hollyhock itself, however, was not dead.  It was not through growing and providing a profusion of beauty.  When its upward growth had ended, it sent branches out to the side. The pink blossoms were closer to the ground, but just as beautiful.

I imagine its roots going deep into the ground, proving strength and nourishment as it reaches for the sky once more. Will it be ten feet tall again? I don’t know. I will have to wait and see. But the important thing is that it is still growing, still fulfilling the measure of its creation.

My life changes also. I learn to grow and share in different ways. Running with my grandchildren is no longer an option.  Instead, they learn to slow their steps and walk with me. This body of mine evolves into an older, more wrinkled version that moves at a much slower pace.  Gray strands replace the golden highlights of my blond hair. (However, I prefer to think of the color of my hair as changing to silver.) It is a challenge to lower myself to my knees and I struggle to stand once again.  But I have knees and they work.  I continue to kneel in prayer and gratitude for the life and blessings that I have.

It is who I am inside that truly matters. My voice can tell my story. It can lift and encourage another. It can speak the words my Heavenly Father would have me speak. The steady beat of my heart symbolizes the love I have for my family and others. While it cannot be seen, my actions convey the love I feel to others. Although my service is different that in former years, there is always something that I can do.  There is always a way to reach out to others. I can continue to grow and fill the measure of my creation.  

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