
We were on our way to Idaho for a vacation when our doorbell rang.  How did we know that?  We have a ring doorbell.  I looked at my phone and saw my young friend leave a white gift bag on my doorstep.  I watched her go back down the sidewalk, and I wondered what was in the bag.  I texted my neighbor and asked him to collect the bag and keep it until I returned.  Three weeks later we returned home, and he brought the gift bag to me.

Chocolate and a Gratitude Journal were inside the bag.  The note on the outside said, “Happy Mother’s Day.”  Mother’s Day was long past, but the thoughtfulness of her gift warmed my heart.

As I expected, the journal began with quotes about gratitude. It promised that writing three things I was grateful for each day would affect the focus of my life.  It also encouraged me to express gratitude to others.  This is something I have always tried to do, but I think that I can do better.  I mailed a thank you note to my friend. Then I made my first gratitude entry, saying that I was grateful for a friend who gave me a gift that would encourage me to be a better person and enrich the lives of others.

There is only a little  space allotted for each entry.  But there is enough space to write the date and three simple things I am grateful for. Keeping this journal will not be intimidating. I’m thinking that three simple things are not enough to contemplate being grateful for.  My mind has already thought of what I might write tomorrow and the next day and the one after that. I know that I will not have to look hard to find things to record because my days are full of loved ones, friends, opportunities, and blessings. 

Life is good.  I am grateful.  


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