

The road ahead vanished into the fog. Darkness closed in around us, isolating the car in a world of gray. The white line on the center of the pavement was our lifeline to safety. The headlights tried, but they could not penetrate the darkness. The side of the road, the trees, the road signs that

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Run! Hide!

A flicker of movement caught my eye as I walked up the sidewalk. A small flock of tiny birds scurried around and hunted for breakfast. Their colors blended with the asphalt driveway in my neighbor’s side yard, and they were hard to see. When they saw me, they ran to the safety of the bushes.

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Sancofa Bird

The images were different. They were pen and ink drawings, black silhouettes or very colorful and fancy drawings, but it was clear that they were images of the same bird—the Sankofa bird. The feet faced forward, the head was turned backward, and it held a small ball in its beak. The Sankofa bird has direct

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There was a time—before Covid, before nine-eleven—when planes were being hijacked and forced to land in an unknown destination.  The frequency with which planes were being hijacked was alarming but not of immediate concern to my family. We were involved in trying to find ways to cope with the hot California summer.  When temperatures soared

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