Rose the Storylady

Welcome. You have the found the blogging website of Rose Owens. I’m new to blogging. My goal is to make a difference through writing and storytelling. You are welcome to explore my site and read more of my posts.
This is my first blog post which introduces me and my theme.
It volunteered to grow right in the middle of the flower bed in front of my house. It was about a foot tall when I discovered it. I wondered, Why now? It’s been more than five years since there was a hollyhock in this flower bed. Why did that seed wait so long to sprout?
I started to pull it out, but then I changed my mind. It continued to grow. One day I realized that it was over five feet tall. I looked at its buds and waited for them to open. The hollyhock plant continued to reach up toward the sky. Pink blossoms unfurled along its stem.
And still it grew taller. I was amazed. I had never seen a hollyhock so tall. This determined plant had reached a height of more than ten feet. Sometimes when I looked out my window I saw people stop to look up at my amazing hollyhock.
I, too, reach upward—trying new things. Why now?
Why not now? I ask myself. Why should I limit myself and collapse into a chair to complain about the aches and pains that come with getting older? Or cower in fear of what might happen? I have too many things I want to do.
I’m no Grandma Moses, but I pick up my brush and paint. Soon I have a stack of paintings—some deserve to be discarded. Others are framed and hung on my wall or given to my children.
I revisit painting rocks. This was cheap fun when my children were young. Now I create delightful little pictures on rocks that I give away to make others happy.
I take a creative writing class and a book emerges, followed by two more. It is a process that I enjoy—finding words and capturing images and emotions to be shared with others. As more ideas come to me, I write essays, poems, and short stories.
I make things with my hands. Bunny baskets at Easter are fun to make and give away. I sew American Girl doll clothes. I’m not sure what I will do with them, but right now I simply enjoying sewing. I crochet snowflakes and hotpads and dishcloths. I make masks. I smile because I believe that something homemade is a gift from the heart.
I try to stay connected to my friends. We used to visit at a local restaurant over coffee and hot chocolate. I enjoyed visiting with them, I never had time for this type of activity when my children were young. When the Covid-19 virus forced us to shelter in place, my friends and I began to text each other. And send pictures—of artwork and grandchildren. And we tell each other jokes and funny stories. And talk about what we plan to cook for dinner.
I reach outward and upward. This is my time to grow. Watch me and be amazed.